Sunday 18 October 2015

Fiddler's Lancashire Crisps Creamy Lancashire Cheese & Onion

As luck would have it noble friend chanced to be in the vicinity of Oxford Street once again and kindly took a detour through Selfridge's Food Hall to buy four more flavours of Fiddler's Lancashire Crisps; all that she could find.

And today we tried these delicious Creamy Lancashire Cheese & Onion crisps. What did we think? Delicious. Something to do with the Lancashire Cheese I suppose. Because they're not the same as your average cheese & onion crisp.

I can't say that I am surprised this crisp won a Great Taste award in 2014. I think, and the reluctant taste testers unreluctantly thought, and the Chef agreed, that this is an extremely good good crisp.

Top marks all round.

Slightly thicker than the average, these crisps are cooked in small batches by John. The packet says By 'eck you'll find them tasty! and the packet is right. We did.

We like the packaging design too. Nothing fancy just a different colour for each flavour, as is traditional.

Highly recommended. Try them if you can.

The packet also says lovely'n'local which leads me to think you may only be able to buy them in Lancashire, or at Selfridges (which is in London). But I'm fairly sure you can order them from Amazon. And seriously, I think you might find it worth your while to seek them out.

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