Sunday 22 January 2017

KP Hula Hoops Golden Hoops Sour Cream & Chive

I'm not completely convinced by this new product, these hoops baked with 30% less fat.  But the reluctant taste testers seemed more impressed than me. Well, what do I know?

Having said the reluctant taste testers were more impressed than me, I should add they were not mad for this baked biscuit. Yes, it's a biscuit! Really. Definitely a biscuit. All the reluctant taste testers were determined that this was a biscuit.

And is it a Hula Hoop a biscuit? You know, the actual Hula Hoop that we have been eating for years in the UK (apologies to readers from overseas who may not know Hula Hoops). No, that's a crispy snack. But not a biscuit.

But here we are with the Golden Hoops, and yes, they are a brand new crispy snack. I mean biscuit. Which isn't at all like a Hula Hoop although I suppose they are fairly hoopy. (Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.)

Anyway. Golden Hoops are made from wheat flour which has been enriched with vitamins like thiamin and niacin. Just like a breakfast cereal. Weird!

Not at all bad on the biscuity front. Sour Cream & Chive isn't my most favourite flavour but it's not a bad snack. Interestingly almost all the reluctant taste testers said they didn't really like the flavour, saying it was too strong, and I thought they  tasted a bit like washing up liquid which is a bit unfortunate. However most of the taste testers seemed to eat quite a lot of them.

And it is interesting how people can say in a determined fashion that they don't like something and then go on to eat quite a lot. It happens quite often.

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