Sunday 4 December 2016

Walkers Cheese Toastie & Worcester Sauce

I really don't think the reluctant taste testers are very fetched by the selection of sandwich filler flavours created by Walkers this year. Some of them are very odd.

I mean, "Cheese Toastie & Worcester Sauce" isn't a sandwich filler flavour.... it's a Cheese Toastie. With Worcester Sauce (in this case it's Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce). Which is to say, this is a toasted cheese sandwich gingered up with Worcester Sauce.

And the flavour? Well the reluctant taste testers detected a strong cheese flavour, albeit a fake plasticky cheese, followed by vinegar. Which seems to be standing in for the Worcester Sauce.

Luckily a 25g packet doesn't contain very many crisps. Because I'm not sure we would have eaten any more than that.

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