Friday 29 January 2016

The Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company Presents Captain Cat's Ship's Biscuits

Hum. Well. I've been to Wales once or twice, and to the Welsh seaside in at least four different places and I never saw a mermaid. But apparently these savoury fish-shaped crackers (with Welsh Cheddar cheese and our Captain Cat's Môr seasoning) are handcrafted by lovely Welsh mermaids.

Are they indeed? Call me credulous (or incredulous) but I find it tough to believe this!

However, as I really need varifocals (but they make me fall down stairs so I need to adjust my ordinary glasses, or even take them off, before I can read lots of things) I failed to read that before I bought this fish-shaped crispy snack. Which really is extremely fish-shaped. Nice cut-out on the packaging.
Actually the fish-shape was a little bit off-putting to some of the reluctant taste testers. They kind of look like an extremely superior cat treat. And several of the taste testers expected them to taste of fish.

But no! No, they taste of... well kind of cheesy.... and a lot of spices. This list of spices in the ingredients goes on forever: sea salt, smoked paprika, sweet paprika, lemon pepper, mace, ground pepper flakes, ground black pepper, allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, dried lemon peel, dried orange peel, laver (that's seaweed to you and me - I think), mustard powder, ginger, bay leaves, cloves, & celery powder. Wow. That's a lot of seasoning.

The packet says this is a warm nautical flavour and advises us to use it to shake up our seafood, treat our taste buds and bring the taste of the sea to our kitchen table.

I have to say we all thought the taste was a little bit weird. So we'll think about that. Maybe the taste grows on you. But of course taste testers don't get much opportunity to let things grown on them.

Kind of quite nice. Kind of a bit weird. Wonderful fishy shape.

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