Tuesday 8 September 2015

Vico Saveur Merguez Grillée

OK, choice number two from the multi-pack of Vico crisps I bought in the Carrefour in Reims.

And a bit of a disappointment considering how fabulous the grilled chicken flavour from the same multi-pack was.

This grilled Merguez flavour was a bit of a mystery to me until I read up on Merguez which is a spicy mutton or beef sausage popular in North Africa cuisine. Good old Wikipedia; what would I do without it? And the name was pinched by the French from a Berber word that means "sausage". I read that it is very spicy and usually grilled. And it does sound pretty tasty.

Unfortunately, I'm not convinced that you get much sausage taste in these crinkle cut crisps. What you mostly get is lots of spiciness. Mostly the flavour comes from onion, garlic, salt (of course), paprika, cumin, coriander, pepper, cayenne pepper, and herbs (unspecified). There is also some "pork broth" involved. Odd for a sausage usually made of beef or lamb.

I wasn't terribly impressed with this crisp flavour. And I'm fairly sure the reluctant taste testers felt pretty much the same.

I've never knowingly eaten a Merguez sausage but I hope it tastes a bit more meaty than this.

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